The 8th Grade Curriculum at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church is on the Bible and the Mass. This year youth will participate in two studies, “Venture” Bible Study and “Altaration, The Mystery of the Mass Revealed.”
Venture: The Bible Timeline for High School introduces teenagers to the “big picture” of salvation history in a way that is simple to understand and easy to teach. It uses the revolutionary Great Adventure Bible Timeline® Learning System that hundreds of thousands of Catholic adults have used to learn the Bible. This eight-lesson program will get teens to open their Bibles and learn the story of salvation history—from Genesis to Revelation—with a focus on God’s covenants and biblical characters. Once teens understand the Bible, their faith will become a relevant and indispensable part of their lives.
Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed addresses head-on one of the biggest problems we all face: how do we get Catholic teens to appreciate the awesome beauty and mystery of the Mass…and to actually look forward to attending and participating? Through a unique learning experience, including powerful cinematography and workbook resources, our 8th graders will come to see the Mass and the priesthood in a dramatically new way. Altaration is designed to stir thought, create conversation, dispel myths, and inspire young souls to a deep and lasting love for the Mass. The goal of Altaration is not to fill teens’ heads with information but to pierce their hearts with transformation.
Catholic Prayer: Students will grow in their knowledge and love of Catholic prayer with given nights focusing on the Rosary, Lectio Divina, The Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Reconciliation, and The Stations of the Cross. Students will have a chance to simply relax and spend time in prayer together.
Bibles: The 8th Graders meets every Wednesday from 6-7:15 p.m. in the St. Joseph’s School classrooms. 8th graders will receive their very own hard cover Catholic Youth Bible at the parent/youth meeting which they should bring with them to each class. Youth will be encouraged to read several chapters of the Bible each week pertaining to the weekly study.