Our Moorhead Catholic Campus Ministry Advisory Committee assists with effectively administering the Campus Ministry program.
Advisory group members:
Bring helpful resources of time, talent, and treasure to MCCM to assist with finding ways to increase student involvement.
Our long range plan goals and objectives:
1. Invite and encourage students to participate in faith formation programs such as:
a. Student led Bible Studies and Faith Sharing Groups
b. FOCUS Conferences and other Faith Formation Workshops, etc.
c. Cursillo
d. Parish women's and men's Lenten retreats
e. Diocesan and other area retreats
f. Parish Mission (Every other year)
g.Theology of the Body
1. Maintain 11:45 a.m. Mass as college orientated while welcoming the entire parish
a. Train liturgical ministers in roles as needed
b. Build the college student choir
2. Participate in Chapel at Concordia twice a year
3. Continue to assess evening Mass times for college students
4. Prayer Ministry
a. Adoration the second Wednesday of each month after Mass & in the Adoration Chapel
b. Rosary on campus
c. Student led Rosary before Monday and Wednesday Masses
1. Incorporate Catholic Rush Week on all campuses at the start of the school year
2. Maintain Pastoral presence on campuses through weekly visits and lunches
1. Maintain Student Organizations on the CC and MSUM Campus
2. Continue to offer home-cooked meals after the 11:45 a.m. Masses
3. Have information booths at orientation, expo and "fest" events
4. Maintain overall promotion of MCCM through the MCCM Face Book page, texting, Twitter, St. Joe's MCCM webpage, and parish bulletins
5. Evaluate each fall-planning a mission trip over the Christmas holiday break
6. Have socials and snacks after all Monday and Wednesday evening Masses
7. Work with peer ministers through weekly meetings to brainstorm and evaluate outreach progress
8. Plan for occasional summer activities
1. Help as available with Religious Education Instruction, MACH childcare, high school retreats, Youth Ministry, the Bazaar, Adoration in the Chapel, Marriage Evening Event,
Outreach leading Stations of the Cross during Lent, Lenten and the Dorothy Day Soup Supper events, Eventide Escorts, The Nursery, and fulfilling liturgical roles at other Masses
2. To provide social justice opportunities through Service Saturdays; the Perry Center, Great Plains Food Bank, DD House & Food Pantry, Churches United for the Homeless, and our church
1. Maintain staff support and availability (accounting, liturgist, maintenance)
2. Provide training for Peer Ministers
3. Evaluate Peer Minister Program
4. Apply for student activity funds on local campuses as appropriate
5. Conduct fundraisers as needed such as the pancake breakfast at St. Joes
6. Work in collaboration with the Knights of Columbus on Oktoberfest (?) and a Lenten Fish Fry evening
7. Apply for Catholic Community Foundation Grants as they are available
8. Work with Catholic United Financial for funding support as fitting
1. Periodically review Rules of Life for residents
2. Maintain "Community" in the households
3. Promote and invite, invite, invite, students to Houses!
4. Collaborate with Administration on resident applications, interviews, deposit and rent payments, maintenance for the houses, and other concerns as they arise
5. Marketing the St. Benedict Discernment House for Men to other parishes throughout our diocese
6. Pass along priest/religious vocation information and encourage residents of the houses to engage in nun-runs/ vocation camps, etc.
7. Review ongoing maintenance needs.