Our sister parish is Sacred Heart Church in Kundukulam, Tamil Nadu, South India. Kundukulam is in the Sivagangai Diocese.
The Indian and Tamil society is rooted in Caste system. From womb to tomb the Caste distinction is maintained. It is more prevalent among Hindus. The Christians and Muslims are not very fanatic in this Caste system. The Hindus do not even consider the ‘Dalit’ people as human beings and they consider themselves the lowest in the Caste hierarchy of ‘Hindu Dharma’. The Dalits are considered untouchables and unfit to live with other human beings. Here arises the need for us to conscientize the people especially the younger generation to think that all are equals created by God as brothers and sisters.
The local inhabitants are small farmers, agricultural labourers and woodcutters. The cultivation is dependant mainly on the erratic southwest monsoon, which invariably lets down the hopes of the farmers. Drought is the main reason for poverty. For this reason they are forced to migrate to cities in search of employment. Irrigation of short term crops and the vegetables is possible for those who have wells and who are able afford to have motor pumps to manage their poverty.
This century is known for its fast achievement oriented culture. Gone are those days in which the culture led men. Now man is leading the culture and here in our people the modern culture is fast spreading because even the have-nots want to show themselves as the haves. And so it becomes the greater responsibility for us to motivate this generation into a proper culture.